Iran is one of those countries, which captivates the imagination, and ignites the flames of one’s curiosity about its history, culture, and of course, its people. 

Iran is one of the oldest civilisations in the world, and its history dates back tens of thousands of years, when the Susa empire established the first city around 3200 BC.  Over the course of time, Iran saw a succession of rulers who conquered this ancient land.

In 559 B.C., the Persian Empire arose in southwestern Iran and conquered the Mesopotamians and Egyptians. The empire eventually extended from the Mediterranean Sea to what is now Pakistan, but it was conquered by the Greeks in 330 B.C.

In 1501, The Safavid empire ushered in a new era of Islamic rule, and embraced Twelver Shia Islam as the religion of the state, marking a major turning point in the history of Islam. Safavid art and architecture reflected this adoption of a Shi’a identity. They commissioned the building of mosques, mausoleums, places of worship, and decoration of shrines of Shi’a saints. This encouraged pilgrimages across the great stretch of the Safavid empire, in places such as Karbala and Najaf, two cities in central Iraq. Shi’a Islam is still the official state religion of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

Iran’s Shia identity permeates every aspect of society, from the strict Islamic dress code women abide by, to its educational curriculum, which teaches children about the Shia religion and its Imams.  You can hear the adhan call people to prayer fives times a day, all across the country, reminding people of their religious obligation. 

Shia identity was greatly strengthened in 1979, when Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew the rule of the Shahs, to establish the rule of the clergy (ulema) over the Iranian people. Growing discontent against the corrupt rule of the Shahs, who would live in luxury while many ordinary people went without the basic like food and water, sparked a revolution, which gained momentum during the 1970s, culminating in the establishment of Wilayat-e- Faqih (rule of the jurist).  Since then, Iran has been considered a pariah nation, misrepresented in Western media, and suffering a great deal under heavy economic and financial imposed upon it by the West.  

Nevertheless, millions of people visit Iran every year, and perhaps the jewel in its crown can be considered the Imam Reza (AS) shrine, located in Mashhad.  The 8th Shia Imam was compelled to leave his home and family at the behest of Al-Mamum, the illegitimate caliph of the time.  He was 35 years old when he undertook the Imamate, which lasted for twenty years. Imam Reza (AS) became so popular amongst the people of Iran, which posed a threat to Mamun’s rule. As a result, he imprisoned Imam Reza, but his popularity never waned. In fact, he became more beloved to the people than ever before.  Mamun, overcome with rage and jealousy, poisoned the Imam, which led to his martyrdom in 200 AD.

And just like the enemies of Imam Husain (AS) and Imam Ali (AS), we don’t remember or even know the whereabouts of the graves of their enemies, and the same is true for Imam Reza (AS). His departure from the world didn’t see a decline in his popularity, instead, his shrine which was built over many years, is today the largest mosque in the world by area.  20 million people visited Imam Reza (AS) last year, and more are expected this year. It is more than a shrine, it is an institution, which has evolved over hundreds of years, and woven its significance into the very fabric of Iranian society. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The heart and soul of Shia Iran will capture your heart and soul, too, so why not book a trip to Iran with Twelver Tours?

Twelver Tours Iran trip is coming very soon, and we offer a comprehensive ziyarah package, which covers every aspect of your trip, from the moment you leave your home, up until you return.  We even include a short holiday break on Kish Island, a piece of heaven on earth, wherein you can relax and unwind after performing your Ziyarah. What a lovely way to end your journey?

Register your interest today, and we’ll be in touch with you soon.

With peace and blessings,

Twelver Tours



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